tisdag 31 augusti 2010

The water is still floating on.

"Never met a wise man
If so it's a woman"

-Kurt Cubain, Nirvana

måndag 30 augusti 2010

"it´s a strange fanomal on how this pis off wood, wheels and a turning system has made so many people happy"

Chris Cole- Fallen Skateboards

lördag 28 augusti 2010

låt dom hata oss

varför skulle jag bry mig om att smälta in?
att det sticker i dina ögon gör mig ingenting
du kommer ändå alltid vara blind
jag vill leva mitt eget liv
dö min egen död
men allt tar sin tid
du har gått vilse i din sinnesfrid

fredag 27 augusti 2010

On the floating

On the floating, shapeless oceans
I did all my best to smile
til your singing eyes and fingers
drew me loving into your eyes.

And you sang "Sail to me, sail to me;
Let me enfold you."

torsdag 26 augusti 2010

It's hard to believe that there's nobody out there

It's hard to believe that there's nobody out there
It's hard to believe that I'm all alone
At least I have her love, the city she loves me
Lonely as I am, together we cry

onsdag 25 augusti 2010

Imagine all the people

Imagine there's no Heaven 
It's easy if you try 
No hell below us 
Above us only sky 

tisdag 24 augusti 2010

All Apologies

What else should I be?
All apologies.
What else could I say?
Everyone is gay.
What else could I write?
I don't have the right.
What else should I be?
All Apologies.

In the sun
In the sun I feel as one.

måndag 23 augusti 2010

söndag 22 augusti 2010

Black N White

Jag gillar att fota vatten.
Här är en bild på en å som ligger nära där jag bor.